First face to face Transnational Meeting in Glyfada

Transnational meeting for VET Students in Glyfada

The transnational meeting for #ErasmusPlus KA2 (strategic partnership) project Real Challenges for VET students (2020-1-ES01-KA202-082630) was celebrated in Glyfada, Greece – 20th of October till 21st of October 2021

The partners were received at the Experimental Vocational Training of Glyfada, by the Institute Director Dimitrios Souliotis and the Deputy Director Viktoria Apostolou. They received a guided tour of the Educational Center where they also took pictures for the TM resources and the project dissemination.

Dimitrios Souliotis, on behalf of the IEK, welcome all participants and Viktoria Apostolou makes a short presentation of the IEK. The coordinators of the project Héctor Barrios and Eduardo del Reguero (CIFP César Manrique) expose the first issues to be discussed during these sessions. They set the Goals which include scheduling (places & dates) next LTTAs and 2nd TM, challenges timeline, new dissemination responsibilities, determinate how to measure qualitative indicators, agreement about recognition of participants in challenges and how to identify the level of satisfaction (opinions) of the participants.

The so far remote cooperation – due to COVID 19 restrictions – had confirmed the fact the partnership is composed of members of quality and with rich experience in the subjects of the project and also revealed that beyond the known and sited cooperation among the members some partners have more, long date joint experience the project can make use of.

Agenda topics

In brief the following topics were included in the agenda;

  • Overview and current state of the project

    • Values of indicators for the project

    • Difficulties faced during the first challenges

    • Review of the opinions of the students related to the challenges

  • Budget review. Administrative and financial rules. Financial issues (report, documentation-sheets…). Contract review

  • Challenges review / Resume of the challenges in terms of goals achieved.

  • Time-line review. Partners tasks. Communication channels among partners.

    • Timeframe of the challenges

    • Tasks to be accomplished by each partner

    • Platform for participants’ communication

  • Dissemination, social networks, blog. Partners’ activities and local dissemination: local websites / social networks / blog /local dissemination actions.

  • Suggestions for results recognition/Participants assessment methods to be discussed.

  • Deadlines compliance/Expenses review/Conclusions of all the topics discussed and reviewed and partners’ agreements.

State of challenges

The representative of Proandi Consultores, Ana Carvalho, presented the new restaurant D’gostar Povoa De Varzim to replace Casa Paivense which was sold. D’gostar with 70 branches all around Portugal will participate in the ongoing challenge with new menus for special occasions, thematic diners, catering, food to be served at the place or not. Creation of a webpage arose questions which are expected to be answered during the challenge implementation. The duration of the Proandi challenge will be prolonged due to the change of the restaurant. The initial date of the LLTA has to be modified since there is not enough time for the challenge of the new restaurant.

The next Partner, Elio Bucciantonio by Submeet Association, Italy highlighted his Business empowerment plan in Pescara which included the points to be met which to start with are a full business plan and a creation of a Google document to share all information. The motto is SUGGEST! DON’T BE AFRAID OF PROPOSING! Ideas are good and welcome! Partners agreed on 27/10/2021 to hold a meeting for Submeet challenge at 11:00 CET.

The representative of BRCCI, Desislava Pencheva, presented their challenge with the famous Patisserie in Bulgaria where the invention of a cake multi packaging and base facility is the new challenge to be answered by the VET students. Starting date for the BRCCI challenge is February 2022. Partners will receive the facebook and webpage of the cake shop. The shape and size of the cakes differ according to the customer’s demand. This situation will have to be considered when thinking of an answer to the problem.


In this last session of the Transnational Meeting issues such as the detailed planning of tasks and activities for the next months, the dates of the next TM, LTTAs, deadlines and milestones for different tasks in the short to medium term are addressed together with the final conclusions of the first RC4VETS TM. It’s also agreed between all participants to create a Whatsapp group and follow with coordinator virtual meetings. The objectives of these meetings will be the monitoring and control of tasks and activities as well as the different deadlines and milestones set for the next months.

Following, an extensive round of speeches is dedicated to designing detail of the tasks and activities to be carried out in the next months, until next TM. In addition, we assign each task to one or more partner institutions of RC4VETS. Communication procedures and the deadlines and milestones were set out in the timeline. As set in the different project timelines, Proandi Consultores partner institution in Portugal will organize the next LTTA. Due to the delay suffered by COVID 19, as discussed above, this meeting will take place later in November.

First Transnational Meeting of RC4VETS project finish with the intervention of each of the participants in a relaxed round of speeches . The impressions of the participants on the work sessions developed in the TM are very positive. Highlighting the good atmosphere and empathy that has been created together. Regarding the work, partnership consider to have reached agreements, conclusions and exchange of information and opinions very productive and clarifier for the future development of the project. We were all summoned to the next meeting. The TM ended with a farewell dinner at a traditional taverna.

#ErasmusPlus #TM #RC4VETSv#KA202 #Erasmuspartnership #WBL #Learningbydoing #Erasmus_Project #Erasmus. @proandi @cifpcesarmanrique @poklicnicenterobala @submeet

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