First Transnational Meeting for RC4VETs Erasmus+ KA202 project

RC4VETs partnership has celebrated the first transnational meeting on 25th November 2020 at 12:00 CET (11:00 UTC). This meeting had been scheduled to be celebrated on Tenerife. We have celebrated it online (using Jitsi) because of the pandemic situation.


The Agenda for this Transnational Meeting (TM) has been:

  • Challenges presentation.
    • Establish deadline to start to work on the challenges.
    • How many days are needed to select participants?
    • Show “Reports for BI Studio” challenge proposed by Conecta Software.
  • Keynote – Overview and current state of the project.
  • Budget review
    • Available on Moodle platform.
  • Contract
    • Agree payments.
    • Administrative and financial rules.
    • Financial issues (report, documentation-sheets…).
  • Time-line review.
    • Partners tasks. Communication channels among partners.
    • Disseminations strategies.
  • Conclusions and agreements.

During the meeting, Héctor Barrios and Eduardo Del Reguero (CIFP César Manrique) as coordinators, have informed the current state of Real Challenges for VET students. Coordinators are waiting to receive the Agreement for the project signed by the NA. The first agree had been to extend the duration of the project from 24 to 36 months. Due to this, the number of Transnational Meetings (TM) to be celebrated are going to be increase from 4 to 6. We are going to celebrate two online TMs during the first year of the project and four initial schedule TMs will be celebrated onsite during the second and third year of the project.

Regarding the creating of the logo for the project, due to pandemic situation most of partners have difficulties to manage a competition where their students be involved. Partnership agree that every organization is going to provide two logos created by the students or by the representatives of partners.

Partnership has agreed to pospone the starting date to January 2021 for the challenge proposed by Conecta Software. During the next weeks and until the end of 2020, partners are going to work to set up the challenges with local companies. For this project it not going to be a minimum of students involve on it. Students that are going to work to solve this challenges are from  IT (computer science) and Commerce studies.

An agreement document for the project has been explained and discussed. Most of partners are agree for this document. Coordinator is going to wait for the reply from some partner that need to query internally.

Distribution of tasks proposed by the coordinator partner has been discussed. The main characteristic for the distribution designed is that all partners are going to be involved coordinating tasks like (publishing on social networks, collecting indicators, blog publications and coordinate dissemination activities). It has been one of aspect that was evaluated as a very positive point by our national agency.

Partnership agree to have the next coordinating meeting on 27th January 2021.

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